
Official radio player for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This is an official Feed.fm iOS app that makes use of the Feed Media SDK to power a Pandora-style Internet-radio app. The app shows how you can use station metadata to hide stations and assign images and descriptive text to them.

This player will retrieve the list of stations do display from the server and display or hide the station selector accordingly. Background images for the music stations are provided to the client along with station meta-data. If background aren't provided by the server, there is a default image provided in the FMPlayerAssets.xcassets file.

If you want to add a music player to your app with minimal coding, see instructions below.

Check out our Android version as well!

"tabbed station page" "music playing" "media controls" "lockscreen"

Add the player to your app

To add this music player to your app with minimal coding, follow the steps below (note: we'll assume you're using CocoaPods):

  • Add the FeedMedia and SDWebImage packages to your Podfile and run pod install to add them to your project.

  • Create a new Player group in your application.

  • Open this repository's iOS-RadioPlayer.xcworkspace workspace, select all the files in the iOS-RadioPlayer > Player group, and drag and drop those files into the Player group in your application. Make sure to check the 'Copy Items if Needed' option. and make sure the files are added to your apps primary target.

  • Open your app's AppDelegate and add a call to set your client token and secret:

#import <FeedMedia/FeedMedia.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [FMAudioPlayer setClientToken:@"demo" secret:@"demo"];
  • Somewhere in your app you should place a button that will open the FeedMedia music player. Set the default visibility of that button to "hidden", so that if the app can't contact Feed.fm or the user is outside of the United States, the radio player won't be visible. Then add this code to the ViewController to make the button visible when music is available:
#import <FeedMedia/FeedMedia.h>

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  // ... 
  [[FMAudioPlayer sharedPlayer] whenAvailable:^{
    NSLog(@"music is available!");
    self.showPlayerButton.hidden = false;
  } notAvailable:^{
    NSLog(@"music is not available, so button will stay hidden");
  // ...
  • Finally, attach the following Touch Up Inside event handler to the button:
#import "FMPlayerViewController.h"
#import "FMResources.h"

- (IBAction) onPlayerButtonTouched {
  UIStoryboard *sb = [FMResources playerStoryboard];
  UINavigationController *vc = [sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"navigationViewController"];
  FMPlayerViewController *player = (FMPlayerViewController *) vc.topViewController;
  // if you want to change the title for the radio player:
  player.title = @"My Radio";
  [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
  • That's it! Music and stations can be added and removed server side, so there's no more touching required. Run your app and groove out!

Why isn't this just a CocoaPod?

We've got 99 problems, and transitive dependencies with static libraries aren't one of them at the moment.