Version 1.2

What's New

The code are modified according to reviewer's suggestion. I. For the script.js:

  1. JSON data is separated in data.js.
  2. removed redundant googleRequestTimeout error handling function.
  3. Markers are handled with setVisible instead of setMap method to optmize efficiency.
  4. Added panTo method to each marker to imporove UX.
  5. Added setTimeout to stop marker bouncing. However, on my computer the multiple bouncing markers issue did not occur. The conditional statemnets before the animation control was to check if the current click is the first click where no infowindow.marker was set. For all following clicks, the previous marker animation was cleared before the current marker is set to bounce.
  6. New York Times error message bug fixed.
  7. text binding was used to handle google api error message.

Unresolved issure:

The project rubric allows us to manipulate the layout/aesthetic components with jQuery or Javascript DOM methods.

But it's recommended that we implement this feature by using Knockout to completely utilize the MVVM pattern:

You can use click binding and css binding to toggle an "open" class to expand / collapse the toggle-menu.
Example :books:

Besides from the Knockout documentation, you can refer to my Codepen example.
It shows simple example of toggling an element's appearance.

I still have not figure out how to incorporate this in my code. It gives errors when I attempt to put the clickMe function in my ViewModel.

II. For the index.html:

  1. Semantic tags are incorporated.
  2. No more closed self-closing elements.
  3. No more type attribute for script
  4. Google Map API script is ordered to the last.

Version 1.1

What's New

The code are modified according to reviewer's suggestion.

  1. infoWindow is now populated with setContent instead of jQurery.
  2. .fail method is used instead of .error for error handling.
  3. onerror method is added to googlejs script.
  4. A more reported location was used to insure New York Times data coverage.

Unresolved issure:

Consider using the text binding of Knockout to handle this error display. When a framework is being used, all interactive logic can be centralized via the framework. It makes code more organized/optimized.

I am still struggling a lot with Knockout. It seems that I need to set up a DOM in the index.html for the error message, which I don't like as it feels redundant. On the other hand, I haven't figure out how to bind the ko.observable to a script genrated DOM.


This package is a required project of the "Full Stack Web Developer" nanodegree at Udacity. The main objectives of this practice include building a responsive web application, 'Neighbourhood Maps', using jQuery, Ajax and third-party API's, implementing 'Model-View-ViewModel' via Knockout library, applying skillsets such as html, css, javascript, etc. The project is completely front-ended and can be run by opening the 'index.html' file in a browser.


The 'Neighbourhood Maps' will:

  1. Display 3 main components: a Search bar, a List view, and a Map
  2. The Search filters BOTH List view and Map markers by name
  3. BOTH List view and Map markers are clickable. Clicking either will open an info window displaying the recent New York Times articles about that place.
  4. Drag the person icon to a location will display the street view.

How to use

Simply download the package and open the 'index.html' file in a browser.
