
X509 (RFC5280) handling in OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


X.509 (RFC5280 and [RFC6125][]) handling in OCaml.

The problem of authentication

The authenticity of the remote server needs to be verified while establishing a secure connection to it, or else an attacker ([MITM]1) between the client and the server can eavesdrop on the transmitted data. To the best of our knowledge, authentication cannot be done solely in-band, but needs external infrastructure. The most common methods used in practice rely on public key encryption.

Web of trust (used by [OpenPGP]2) is a decentralised public key infrastructure. It relies on out-of-band verification of public keys and transitivity of trust. If Bob signed Alice's public key, and Charlie trusts Bob (and signed his public key), then Charlie can trust that Alice's public key is hers.

Public key infrastructure (used by [TLS]3) relies on trust anchors which are communicated out-of-band (e.g. distributed with the client software). In order to authenticate a server, a chain of trust between a trust anchor and the server certificate (public key) is established. Only those clients which have the trust anchor deployed can verify the authenticity of the server.

X.509 public key infrastructure

[X.509]4 is an ITU standard for a public key infrastructure, developed in 1988. Amongst other things, it specifies the format of certificates, their attributes, revocation lists, and a path validation algorithm. X.509 certificates are encoded using abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1).

A certificate contains a public key, a subject (server name), a validity period, a purpose (i.e. key usage), an issuer, and possibly other extensions. All components mentioned in the certificate are signed by an issuer.

A certificate authority (CA) receives a certificate signing request from a server operator. It verifies that this signing request is legitimate (e.g. requested server name is owned by the server operator) and signs the request. The CA certificate must be trusted by all potential clients. A CA can also issue intermediate CA certificates, which are allowed to sign certificates.

When a server certificate or intermediate CA certificate is compromised, the CA publishes this certificate in its certificate revocation list (CRL), which each client should poll periodically.

The following certificates are exchanged before a TLS session:

  • CA -> Client: CA certificate, installed as trust anchor on the client
  • Server -> CA: certificate request, to be signed by the CA
  • CA -> Server: signed server certificate

During the TLS handshake the server sends the certificate chain to the client. When a client wants to verify a certificate, it has to verify the signatures of the entire chain, and find a trust anchor which signed the outermost certificate. Further constraints, such as the maximum chain length and the validity period, are checked as well. Finally, the server name in the server certificate is checked to match the expected identity. For an example, you can see the sequence diagram of the TLS handshake your browser makes when you visit our demonstration server.

Example code for verification

OpenSSL implements RFC5280 path validation, but there is no implementation to validate the identity of a certificate. This has to be implemented by each client, which is rather complex (e.g. in libfetch it spans over more than 300 lines). A client of the ocaml-x509 library (such as our http-client) has to write only two lines of code:

lwt authenticator = X509_lwt.authenticator (`Ca_dir ca_cert_dir) in
lwt (ic, oc) =
    (Tls.Config.client_exn ~authenticator ())
    (host, port)

The authenticator uses the default directory where trust anchors are stored ('ca_cert_dir'), and this authenticator is passed to the 'connect_ext' function. This initiates the TLS handshake, and passes the trust anchors and the hostname to the TLS library.

During the client handshake when the certificate chain is received by the server, the given authenticator and hostname are used to authenticate the certificate chain (in 'validate_chain'):

 X509.Authenticator.authenticate ?host:server_name authenticator stack
 | `Fail SelfSigned         -> fail Packet.UNKNOWN_CA
 | `Fail NoTrustAnchor      -> fail Packet.UNKNOWN_CA
 | `Fail CertificateExpired -> fail Packet.CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED
 | `Fail _                  -> fail Packet.BAD_CERTIFICATE
 | `Ok                      -> return server_cert

Internally, ocaml-x509 extracts the hostname list from a certificate in 'cert_hostnames', and the wildcard or strict matcher compares it to the input. In total, this is less than 50 lines of pure OCaml code.

Problems in X.509 verification

Several weaknesses in the verification of X.509 certificates have been discovered, ranging from cryptographic attacks due to collisions in hash algorithms (practical) over misinterpretation of the name in the certificate (a C string is terminated by a null byte), and treating X.509 version 1 certificates always as a trust anchor in GnuTLS.

An empirical study of software that does certificate verification showed that badly designed APIs are the root cause of vulnerabilities in this area. They tested various implementations by using a list of certificates, which did not form a chain, and would not authenticate due to being self-signed, or carrying a different server name.

Another recent empirical study (Frankencert) generated random certificates and validated these with various stacks. They found lots of small issues in nearly all certificate verification stacks.

Our implementation mitigates against some of the known attacks: we require a complete valid chain, check the extensions of a certificate, and implement hostname checking as specified in [RFC6125][]. We have a test suite with over 3200 tests and multiple CAs. We do not yet discard certificates which use MD5 as hash algorithm. Our TLS stack requires certificates to have at least 1024 bit RSA keys.

X.509 library internals

The x509 library uses asn-combinators to parse X.509 certificates and the nocrypto library for signature verification (which we wrote about previously). At the moment we do not yet expose certificate builders from the library, but focus on certificate parsing and certificate authentication.

The x509 module provides modules which parse PEM-encoded (pem) certificates (Cert) and private keys (Pk), and an authenticator module (Authenticators).

So far we have two authenticators implemented:

  • 'chain_of_trust', which implements the basic path validation algorithm from RFC5280 (section 6) and the hostname validation from [RFC6125][]. To construct such an authenticator, a timestamp and a list of trust anchors is needed.
  • 'null', which always returns success.

The method 'authenticate', to be called when a certificate stack should be verified, receives an authenticator, a hostname and the certificate stack. It returns either Ok or Fail.

Our certificate type is very similar to the described structure in the RFC:

type tBSCertificate = {
  version    : [ `V1 | `V2 | `V3 ] ;
  serial     : Z.t ;
  signature  : Algorithm.t ;
  issuer     : Name.dn ;
  validity   : Time.t * Time.t ;
  subject    : Name.dn ;
  pk_info    : PK.t ;
  issuer_id  : Cstruct.t option ;
  subject_id : Cstruct.t option ;
  extensions : (bool * Extension.t) list

type certificate = {
  tbs_cert       : tBSCertificate ;
  signature_algo : Algorithm.t ;
  signature_val  : Cstruct.t

The certificate itself wraps the to be signed part ('tBSCertificate'), the used signature algorithm, and the actual signature. It consists of a version, serial number, issuer, validity, subject, public key information, optional issuer and subject identifiers, and a list of extensions -- only version 3 certificates may have extensions.

The 'certificate' module implements the actual authentication of certificates, and provides some useful getters such as 'cert_type', 'cert_usage', and 'cert_extended_usage'. The main entry for authentication is 'verify_chain_of_trust', which checks correct signatures of the chain, extensions and validity of each certificate, and the hostname of the server certificate.

The grammar of X.509 certificates is developed in the 'asn_grammars' module, and the object identifiers are gathered in the 'registry' module.

Implementation of certificate verification

We provide the function 'valid_cas', which takes a timestamp and a list of certificate authorities. Each certificate authority is checked to be valid, self-signed, correctly signed, and having proper X.509 v3 extensions. As mentioned above, version 1 and version 2 certificates do not contain extensions. For a version 3 certificate, 'validate_ca_extensions' is called: The basic constraints extensions must be present, and its value must be true. Also, key usage must be present and the certificate must be allowed to sign certificates. Finally, we reject the certificate if there is any extension marked critical, apart from the two mentioned above.

When we have a list of validated CA certificates, we can use these to verify the chain of trust, which gets a hostname, a timestamp, a list of trust anchors and a certificate chain as input. It first checks that the server certificate is valid, the validity of the intermediate certificates, and that the chain is complete (the pathlen constraint is not validated) and rooted in a trust anchor. A server certificate is valid if the validity period matches the current timestamp, the given hostname matches its subject alternative name extension or common name (might be wildcard or strict matching, [RFC6125][]), and it does not have a basic constraints extension which value is true.

Current status of ocaml-x509

We currently support only RSA certificates. We do not check revocation lists or use the online certificate status protocol (OCSP). Our implementation does not handle name constraints and policies. However, if any of these extensions is marked critical, we refuse to validate the chain. To keep our main authentication free of side-effects, it currently uses the timestamp when the authenticator was created rather than when it is used (this isn't a problem if lifetime of the OCaml-TLS process is comparatively short, as in the worst case the lifetime of the certificates can be extended by the lifetime of the process).

We invite people to read through the certificate verification and the ASN.1 parsing. We welcome discussion on the mirage-devel mailing list and bug reports on the GitHub issue tracker.

Posts in this TLS series:


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenPGP

  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security

  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.509 [RFC6125]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125