Or maybe she's from the Taiwan plastics Chu family
They came to Singapore when there was nothing but jungle and pig farmers

                 1. Challenges
                 2. Skills -> 4. Interactions -> 5. Leadership -> 6. Accomplishments
                              3. Tools

Runneth-over 1, 2, 3

  • Voir/Modes: Hunter-Gatherer of Data or Something
  • Savoir/Neuralnetworks: Encoding H-G into Peasant Community Activity
  • Pouvoir/Basic: Transposition of Process Exponentiated Scale
  • Memoire/Intermediate: The Surplus of Overflow Manifests in Growth in Usage-Volume of Product

Market 5, 6

  • Reservoir/Advanced: Streets Treat This As Symptom of Much More to Come via P/E Ratio
  • Dubois/Growth: There's More From Where That Came %/Decade