
Fast (?) Pythonic XML generation using Cython+

Primary LanguageCythonMIT LicenseMIT

cypxml, XML generator written in Cython+


cypxml generates an XML content. cypxml provides quite the same functionalities as the xmlwitch library. Both tools have quite the same performances for now:

  • For performances, see the test_perf_*.sh scripts and perf_*.txt result files.
  • xmlwitch writes sequentially the generated XML into a BytesIO(), which is quite fast. Especially, the dump method str(BytesIO) is immediate.
  • cypxml generates a cypclass Str() for each XML tag, from the Str() of each XML child, recursively. This is an algorithm slower than xmlwitch's, but it permits some multicore implementation.

CythonPlus: https://www.cython.plus and https://pypi.org/project/cython-plus

xmlwitch: https://github.com/galvez/xmlwitch


  • Prerequisites:

    • Linux with C++ development environment (tested on Ubuntu 2020),
    • Python 3.8+,
    • CythonPlus installed (see https://pypi.org/project/cython-plus/)
    • Only for performance tests: pip install xmlwitch
  • {fmt} library:

    cypxml uses the libfmt library. For convenience a copy of fmtlib version 8.1 is included in this package and compiled locally as static library during the build process. See https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt

  • build and install:

    pip install -e .


Cython+ code:

from .cypxml cimport cypXML

cdef cypXML gen_xml() nogil:
    xml = cypXML()
    for geo in range(4):
        g = xml.tag(Str("Geo")).attr(Str("zone"), format("{}", geo))
        for area in range(8):
            a = g.tag(Str("Area")).attr(Str("where"), format("{}", area))
            for city in range(40):
                c = a.tag(Str("City"))
                c.tag(Str("Name")).text(format("name of city {}", city))
                c.tag(Str("Location")).text(format("location of city {}", city))
                for item in range(50):
                    c.tag(format("item")).attr(Str("ref"), format("{}", item)).attr(Str("number"), Str("10")).attr(Str("date"), Str("2022-1-1"))
    return xml

xml = gen_xml()
content = xml.dump().bytes().decode("utf8")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Geo zone="0">
  <Area where="0">
      <Name>name of city 0</Name>
      <Location>location of city 0</Location>
      <item ref="0" number="10" date="2022-1-1" />

Code with the python library xmlwitch for the same result:

import xmlwitch

def gen_xml_xw():
    xml = xmlwitch.Builder(version="1.0")
    for geo in range(4):
        with xml.Geo(zone=str(geo)):
            for area in range(8):
                with xml.Area(where=str(area)):
                    for city in range(40):
                        with xml.City:
                            xml.Name(f"name of city {city}")
                            xml.Location(f"location of city {city}")
                            for item in range(50):
                                xml.item(ref=str(item), number="10", date="2022-1-1")
    return xml

xml = gen_xml_xw()
content = str(xml)




MIT, see LICENSE file.