Prometheus Example

An example REST API with prometheus metrics integration. The REST API is built using flask.

The prometheus metrics integration is done using prometheus-flask-exporter built on prometheus-client for python. This example application tries to cover the basic metrics collections features using these libraries. Refer the respective documentation for advanced use cases.

Refer the About the Integration section to learn how the integration is done in the code.

Similar libaries are available for other languages and frameworks:




If you're new to Prometheus refer the confluence guide: Getting Started with Prometheus.

The entire applicatio can be run and tested locally. Prometheus should be installed already in the machine. Follow confluence guide for installation steps.


  • Create virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  • Activate environment: source .\venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r env/pip/requirements.txt


  • Copy the prometheus.yml configuraton to prometheus installation path. Windows:

    cp prometheus.yml ~/bin/


    cp prometheus.yml ~/bin/prometheus-2.32.1.linux-amd64/
  • Start prometheus server. Refer the confluence guide for running prometheus.

  • Run the application.

    python -u

    The app also included configurations for gunicorn. To run with gunicorn execute the command.


Test the APIs

Hit the APIs:

curl -s http://localhost:5000/ --header "user: john"

curl -s http://localhost:5000/square?num=20 --header "user: john"

curl -s http://localhost:5000/even?num=20 --header "user: john"

The app is currently deployed in SBD Caspian cluster. Endpoint:

Open the /metrics endpoint to see the prometheus metrics in plain text format: http://localhost:5000/metrics

If running with gunicorn open: http://localhost:9200/metrics image

Open prometheus UI and query the metrics.

Example metrics:



Grafana Dashboards


Jupyterhub notebook with examples on querying prometheus with Python: notebook

About the Integration

The Prometheus integration is primarily done through prometheus-flask-exporter. It exposes HTTP metrics by default for all flask routes. It has the necessary helper classes to integrate with Gunicorn.


An object of prometheus-flask-exporter class PrometheusMetrics is initialized in It creates a Flask app factory object which is then imported and registered in the Flask app in This is the only step required for exposing the default HTTP metrics for the Flask app.

When run with Gunicorn the GunicornPrometheusMetrics is used instead of PrometheusMetrics. Gunicorn should be run with

Adding custom metrics for Flask routes

We can add custom metrics for all flask routes. The register_metrics function in the adds a custom metric flask_request_in_progress for all flask routes. It's uses to track the number of active requests for each request path.

Custom metrics for specific Flask routes

Custom metrics can be added for specific flask routes. Refer the github example

Default metrics can be excluded for certain routes by using do_not_track decorator as seen for the function health in

Other Custom metrics

For creating metrics which aren't related to Flask routes the prometheus-client for python can be used. total_auths is a counter metrics added in in the authenticate function using the prometheus-client library. Remember to use the registry imported by when new metrics are created. This ensures the metrics are added along with ones from prometheus-flask-exporter.

For more examples on usage of the library refer prometheus-flask-exporter and prometheus-client.


Debug mode on Flask breask the prometheus-flask-exporter module. Turn off debug mode to see the metrics.

if __name__ == "__main__":