
This project aims at mapping various textures (bmp images) onto objects specified in the .obj format.

Features implemented

  • Viewing .obj files in a window, with rotate and scale enabled

  • Specular, ambient and diffused illumination implemented

  • Texture mapping has been implemented with the following parameters:

  • The texture coordinates have been generated using two different algorithms:

    • Planar Mapping
    • Spherical Mapping

    Any combination of the above metrics can be used to obtained various kinds of texture mapping, some of which have been provided as examples.

  • The style of mapping can be modified by changing the third parameter of the function call glTexParameteri in texture.cpp to any of GL_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT

Library dependencies

  • lGL
  • glut
  • GLEW
  • glm

Please have a look at the Makefile too to know what all libraries are being linked

Demo Scripts


Note: Remember to give the file executable permissions before executing.


The main executable is the texture-mapping whose commandline parameters take an .obj file, the vertex and fragment shaders and the bitmap ti be used as texture.

./texture-mapping <objfile(.obj)> <vertex shader(.v.glsl)> <fragment shader(.f.glsl)> <bitmap(.bmp)>

Rotation of the object happens as expected with the left mouse button and then dragging it. To pan press F1 and then F2 and then use the arrow keys. Use the Home key to reset the view.