
Service for Mock HTTP Status codes ⚡️

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

SendBack API

This repository houses the core API for SendBack.io


Want to raise an issue or pull request? Do give our Contributing page a read. 🤓

Getting started

Note: This has been developed on node 9.x. Please develop your feature and/or bugfix with a node version that is 9.0 and above 😄

  1. Clone repository
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  3. Run npm run start:dev to fire up the server


There is a pre-commit hook to run the linter. Please make sure that your code conforms to the linting rules. We use Airbnb's linting rules in this project.

To lint your code manually you can run

$ npm run lint

This will both lint and try to fix your linting errors.

Note: The linter may fix some lint issues during the pre-commit phase. Please make sure to do a git status before pushing to Github to make sure that all your changes are pushed!

There are also some unit tests for the APIs in the /test folder. When making changes to the core functionality, make sure the test pass, and are updated if the changes requires it.

The pre-commit hook runs the tests are well.

If you want to run the tests manually you can run

$ npm run test

Our CI builds will test to see

  • if the packages in package.json are valid
  • if the code is formatted correctly
  • if the tests pass

Please make sure everything that is run by pre-commit hook passes locally. 🙂

Updating docs

There is a separate repo for the docs. If you're adding a new feature or changing existing functionality, please do raise a PR to our docs repository as well! 🙇‍