
Easily run ShinyProxy on a Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION

ShinyProxy Operator

Easily run ShinyProxy on a Kubernetes cluster

(c) Copyright Open Analytics NV, 2020-2021 - Apache License 2.0

Building from source

Clone this repository and run

mvn -U clean install

The build will result in a single .jar file: target/target/shinyproxy-operator-jar-with-dependencies.jar.


The operator should be run in Kubernetes using the docker image. It can run in either clustered scope or namespaced mode. In the former the operator looks for ShinyProxy instances in all namespaces while in the latter it only manages ShinyProxy instances in its own namespace.

See the docs/deployment folder for more information.Operator 23/12/2020 or newer


We try to keep the configuration of the Operator itself as minimum as possible. Furthermore we want the operator to work without configuration in most cases. Nevertheless, for some specific cases some configuration options are available. For now these options are specified using environment variables. All variables start with the SPO prefix, meaning ShinyProxyOperator.

  • SPO_MODE: can either be namespaced or clustered (default). This specifies whether the operator should only look in its own namespace for ShinyProxy configurations or in all namespaces.
  • SPO_DISABLE_SECURE_COOKIES: when set to any value, this disables the secure flag on all cookies used by the Operator.
  • SPO_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY: specifies the initial delay of the Readiness and Liveness probes. This is useful when the used Kubernetes version does not support startup probes.
  • SPO_PROBE_FAILURE_THRESHOLD: specifies the failure threshold of the Readiness and Liveness probes. This is useful when the used Kubernetes version does not support startup probes.
  • SPO_PROBE_TIMEOUT: specifies the timeout in seconds of the Readiness and Liveness probes. This is useful when the used Kubernetes version does not support startup probes.
  • SPO_LOG_LEVEL: configures the log level of the operator, may be one of the following:
    • OFF: disables logging
    • ERROR
    • WARN
    • INFO
    • DEBUG: default (may change)
    • TRACE
    • ALL: enables all logging

Note: in our deployments where startup probes aren't supported we have success with the following configuration:

  • SPO_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY to something between 40 and 140 depending on the performance of the cluster.

Supported Versions

ShinyProxy Version Operator 0.0.1-20201215.112635 or older Operator 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20210302.095930 or newer
2.4.3 or older Compatible Not Compatible
2.5.0 or newer Not Compatible Compatible

Kubernetes versions

Kubernetes Version Minimal required operator version Notes
v1.16 Any version Requires the use of SPO_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY and SPO_PROBE_FAILURE_THRESHOL due to lack of startup probes.
v1.17 Any version Requires the use of SPO_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY and SPO_PROBE_FAILURE_THRESHOL due to lack of startup probes.
v1.18 Any version Includes startup probes (as beta).
v1.19 Any version
v1.20 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-20210113.083121

Java Version

This project requires JDK 11.