E-commerce API

This project implements an e-commerce API using Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, and PostgreSQL. The API provides endpoints for user registration, authentication, product and category listing, cart management, order processing, and more.


  • User registration and authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Category listing and product listing with essential details
  • Product details retrieval
  • Cart management: add, view, update, and remove items from the cart
  • Order placement and order history retrieval
  • Error handling and meaningful error messages


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/abinetha/e-commerce-api.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd e-commerce-api
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Set up PostgreSQL database and configure the connection in config.js.

  5. Start the server:

    node API.js
  6. The server will start running on http://localhost:3000 by default.


  • Register a new user:

    • Send a POST request to /register with JSON body containing username and password.
  • Login:

    • Send a POST request to /login with JSON body containing username and password. Upon successful login, you'll receive a JWT token.
  • Category Listing:

    • Send a GET request to /categories to retrieve a list of categories.
  • Product Listing:

    • Send a GET request to /products/:categoryId to retrieve a list of products based on category ID.
  • Product Details:

    • Send a GET request to /product/:productId to retrieve detailed information about a specific product.
  • Cart Management:

    • Add product to cart: Send a POST request to /cart with JSON body containing productId and quantity.
    • View cart: Send a GET request to /cart to retrieve the user's cart.
    • Update cart item: Send a PUT request to /cart/:productId with JSON body containing quantity to update the quantity of a product in the cart.
    • Remove item from cart: Send a DELETE request to /cart/:productId to remove a product from the cart.
  • Order Placement:

    • Send a POST request to /orders to place an order using the products in the user's cart.
  • Order History:

    • Send a GET request to /orders to retrieve the order history for the authenticated user.
  • Order Details:

    • Send a GET request to /orders/:orderId to retrieve detailed information about a specific order.

API Documentation

The API endpoints are documented using Swagger. You can view the API documentation by accessing the following URL in your browser after starting the server:
