
Generate the interface of the database table

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generate the interface of the database tables for typescript projects.(Currently only mysql is supported)



(sudo) npm i table-to-interface -g


  -v ,--version             output the version number
  -h, --host [string]       IP adress/Hostname for database server (default: "")
  -p, --port [number]       Port number for database server (default: 3306)
  -d, --database <string>   Database name
  -u, --user [string]       Username for database server (default: "root")
  -x, --pass [string]       Password for database server (default: "")
  -o, --output [string]     Where to place generated models (default: "/users/current_user/output")
  -c, --case-file [string]  Convert file names to specified case.
                            [choices: "ipascal", "pascal","param","camel","none"] (default: "none")
  -O, --open                Whether to open the target path

ipascal like IHelloWorld

ig -h -u root -x passw0rd -d database


 * Generated from table comment
export interface IAdminMenu {
   * Generated from the id comment
  id?: number;
   * Generated from the title comment
  title?: string;
   * Generated from the path comment
  path: string;
   * Generated from the path comment
  icon: string;
  ... and more

Enjoy your time!!!