
Ansible modules for Abiquo

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Abiquo Modules

Ansible Abiquo Modules are ansible roles that make it possible to perform operations against abiquo's environment through their API using ansible.


Use the requirements.yml standard file to install this module. For example:

- src: git+git@github.com:abiquo/ansible-abiquo-modules.git
    version: master

After that, run:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


You can use this module directly from an ansible task or you can use it to create specific roles. For example, a new deploy-vm role can be created on a specific project. The tasks/main.yml could be:

- name: import role
    name: ansible-abiquo-modules
- name: Gather VDC
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    id: "{{ env_vdc }}" #this is the VDC ID
  register: evdc

- fail:
    msg: "ERROR: no information returned for the VDC named '{{ env_vdc }}'"
  when: evdc.vdcs is not defined or (evdc.vdcs | length <= 0)

- name: "Create vApp '{{ vapp_name }}'"
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    name: "{{ vapp_name }}"
    vdc: "{{ evdc.vdcs[0].vdc_link }}"
    iconUrl: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Ansible_logo.svg/1200px-Ansible_logo.svg.png"
  register: evapp

- name: "Locate template '{{ env_vm_template }}'"
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    vdc: "{{ evdc.vdcs[0] }}"
      has: "{{ env_vm_template }}"
  register: etpl

- set_fact:
    template: "{{ etpl.templates | selectattr('name', 'eq', env_vm_template) | list | first }}"

- name: "Locate HW Profile '{{ env_vm_hwprofile }}'"
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    vdc: "{{ evdc.vdcs[0] }}"
      has: "{{ env_vm_hwprofile }}"
  register: ehw

- set_fact:
    hwprofile_links: "{{ ehw.hwprofiles | selectattr('name', 'eq', env_vm_hwprofile) | map(attribute='hwprofile_link') | list }}"

- set_fact:
      type: "{{ vm_label }}"
      created_date: "{{ ansible_date_time.date }}"
      created_time: "{{ ansible_date_time.time }}"

- name: "Create {{ vm_label }} VM"
  no_log: true
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    template: "{{ template.template_link }}"
    vapp: "{{ evapp.vapp_link }}"
    hardwareprofile: "{{ hwprofile_links | first }}"
    label: "{{ vm_label }}"
    tags: "{{ vm_tags | default({}) | combine(standard_tags) }}"
  register: VM
- name: set vm link
    vm_link: "{{ VM.vm.links | selectattr('rel', 'eq', 'edit') | list}}"

- name: "Deploy {{ vm_label }} VM"
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    abiquo_max_attempts: 300
    vapp: "{{ evapp.vapp_link }}"
    label: "{{ vm_label }}"
    template: "{{ template.template_link }}"
    state: deploy
  #register: edvms

- name: Wait for VM sync to get the db IP
    abiquo_api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    abiquo_api_user: "{{ api_user }}"
    abiquo_api_pass: "{{ api_pass }}"
    abiquo_verify: "{{ verify_ssl }}"
    template: "{{ template.template_link }}"
    vapp: "{{ evapp.vapp_link }}"
    hardwareprofile: "{{ hwprofile_links | first }}"
    label: "{{ vm_label }}"
  register: VM
  until: "{{ VM.vm.links | selectattr('rel', 'eq', 'nic0') | list | length > 0 }}"
  retries: 30
  delay: 10

- name: remove known_hosts file
    path: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    state: absent
  delegate_to: localhost

Of course, you could be able to run this new role through the following task (adding the corresponding variables):

- name: Deploy VM from template
  hosts: localhost

    - name: create vm
        name: abiquo-deploy-vm
        api_url: "{{ abiquo_api_endpoint }}"
        api_user: "{{ abiquo_api_username }}"
        api_pass: "{{ abiquo_api_password }}"
        verify_ssl: false
        vapp_name: "{{ abiquo_vapp }}"
        env_vdc: "{{ abiquo_id_vdc }}"
        env_vm_template: "{{ template_name }}"
        env_vm_hwprofile: "{{ abiquo_hwprofile }}"
        vm_label: "{{ vm_name }}"
          role: "{{ vm_name }}"
          app: "{{ app }}"


Pull requests are welcome. Not all modules have been tested lately, so feel free to improve anything or to ask any doubts.


Prepare development environment

Install virtual env package:

sudo apt install -y python3-venv

Create virtual env

python3 -m venv ansible-abiquo-module

Activate virtual env

source ansible-abiquo-module/bin/activate

Before commiting

Install autopep8 to fix coding style issues automatically.

$ pip install --upgrade autopep8

Please, run autopep8 to fix all CS issues:

$ make cs-fix