
Tools to facilitate consuming vCloud Director APIs

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

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vCloud Director API Tools

The projects in this folder are tools for working with the vCloud Director APIs.

Bindings Generator

A command line tool for generating Typescript bindings for vCD's XML-based REST API is available in bindings-generator. The bindings generator can be executed like any typical application. For instance, execution through Maven:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.vmware.vcloud.bindings.generator.BindingsGenerator" -Dexec.args="--help"

will output the usage info:

Usage: BindingsGenerator [options]
    -h, --help
      Prints this help message
    -o, --outputDir
      A directory to output custom files to.  If none is specified, the output
      is streamed to standard out.
    -x, --overwrite
      If the specified outputDir is not empty the generator will halt.  Adding
      this flag will DELETE the content of outputDir and force the generator
      to continue
      Default: false
  * -p, --packages
      One or more packages to scan for schema classes.

There is also a Maven plugin available at vcd-bindings-maven-plugin to facilitate Typescript generation as part of a Maven project lifecycle. Typescript can be generated for specific packages by adding the following plugin to an existing POM file:


This will output a collection of classes, enums, and barrels that are ready for transpilation.