
Simple API for todo list created using ExpressJS and MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple API for todo list created using ExpressJS and MongoDB
The Todo API allows you to manage your todo list by performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.


Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response
'/api/signup' POST Registers a new user name,
Create User
'/api/login' POST Authenticates a user and generates an access token. email,
Create access token
'/api/current' POST Returns the current user based on the access token. None Show email of current user
'/api/todos' POST Create a new todo title,
Create todo
'/api/todos' GET Get all todos None List of todos
'/api/todos/:id' GET Get a specific todo by ID None Todo with matching ID
'/api/todos/:id' PUT Update a specific todo by ID title,
Updated todo
'/api/todos/:id' DELETE Delete a specific todo by ID None Deleted todo

Environment Variables

The Todo API uses environment variables for configuration. To set up the environment variables, create a .env file in the root folder of the project with the following variables:

CON_URL=<db_connection string>
PORT=<port number>

Authentication Header

To access the endpoints of the Todo API, you need to include a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the Authorization header of your requests.

The 'Authorization' header should have the following format:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

Please replace <JWT> with the actual value of the JWT that you obtained during the authentication process.