First Homework for Stat 545A Course


I am Arun Rajendran , 1st year Master of Science graduate student in Department of Mathematics. I am really interested in data science and have taken this course to start my data science journey.

Here is a picture of me:

test image size

You can also find me in the maths department website This is My Github profile

The steps I performed to make changes to file are:

  1. Pull the repo from Github
    • Opened new project in RStudio
    • Pasted the url of repo
  2. Made the changes locally using Rstudio as markdown editor
  3. Saved the changes locally.
  4. Committed the changes to the repo.
  5. Performed the pull request and then pushed the commit to the Github.

You can find the links for assignments on gapminder data below. Table of Contents

Assignment READme Output file
HW01 - gapminder intro 1 Markdown
HW02 - gapminder exploration 2 Markdown
HW03 - gapminder plotting 3 HTML
HW04 - joining 4 Markdown
HW05 - factors 5 Html
HW06 - lists, functions, stringr 6 Html
HW07 - Automation 7 Html
HW08 - BC Liquor Shiny App 8 Website
HW09 - mathfunctions Package 9 Package
HW10 - Data from Web 10 Markdown file