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roi_convertor: Convert Segmentation Output to ROI and Back


Install on Della

The tool is already installed on della.princeton.edu. Use the following commands to load the environment:

module purge
module load anaconda3/2021.11
conda activate /projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/tf2-posfai
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/keller-lab-block-filetype/build/src

Requesting compute node

Long-running commands like generate-mask and generate-analytics should not be run on the login node. Please use the command below to first request a compute-node and then setup the above environment there and run the command.

The command to request for a compute-node is:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks=8 --mem=10G --time=02:00:00

Install on your own machine

You can run the following commands to install the tool in your own conda environment.

Windows Install

  1. Download and install Python 3.11 version of Miniconda for Windows: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#windows-installers

  2. Login, download and install Visual Studio 2022 Professional to build pyklb: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs

  3. Open "Command Prompt" and create a conda environment and activate it:

conda create -n segmentation python=3.9
conda activate segmentation
  1. Install the ROI convertor:
pip install git+https://github.com/abiswas-odu/roi_convertor.git
roi_convert --help

MacOS Install

  1. Download and install Python 3.11 version of Miniconda for MacOS: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#macos-installers

  2. Open "Terminal" and create a conda environment and activate it:

conda create -n segmentation python=3.9
conda activate segmentation
  1. Install the ROI convertor:
pip install git+https://github.com/abiswas-odu/roi_convertor.git
roi_convert --help

Generating ROI Files from Segmentation Output for Correction

Commandline Options roi_convert generate-roi --help

Example Command: Short Version

This produces the ROIs in a directory named stardist_rois in same directory as the input image

roi_convert generate-roi 
--segmentation_image /projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test/klbOut_Cam_Long_00257.lux.label.tif

The input can be in klb/h5/tif/npy formats with these extensions.

Example Command: Long Version

This produces the ROIs in a directory of your choice and in a format of your choice.

roi_convert generate-roi 
--segmentation_image /projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test/klbOut_Cam_Long_00257.lux.label.tif 
--output_dir test_rois

Generating Segmented Image with Labels from ROIs

This command is used to generate segmented labeled image from ROIs and the file or directory pointing to the original image(s).

File Naming Conventions: The naming of the ROI zip files and the ROIs are very important for correct operation of the tool.

  1. The ROI zip file for each slice must be named as <orig_image_file_name>_<slice_id>.zip.

  2. Each ROI from ROI Manager must be named as <slice_id>_<label_id>. Where the label_id connects the cell across slices.

Commandline Options

roi_convert generate-mask --help

Example Command: Short Version

This assumes the ROIs are in a directory named stardist_rois in same directory as the original input image(s) used to generate the ROIs. The --orig_image parameter can be a single file or directory.

roi_convert generate-mask 
--orig_image /projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test

The original input image can be in klb/h5/tif/npy formats with these extensions.

Example Command: Long Version

This lets the user specify all the details.

roi_convert generate-mask 
--orig_image /projects/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test 
--roi_dir stardist_rois 
--output_dir . 
--output_format klb

Generating Hand Correction Guide for Segmented Image

This command is used to generate hand correction guide for segmented labeled images.

Commandline Options

roi_convert generate-analytics --help

Example Command

The command can take single images or whole directories with the segmented files named in the way stardist_inference names them.

roi_convert generate-analytics 
--orig_image /tigress/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test_3/multi_test_klb 
--segmentation_image /tigress/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/test_3/multi_test_klb_segmentation 
--output_file hand_correction_guide.csv

The original input image can be in klb/h5/tif/npy formats with these extensions.

Generating Diff Report

This command is used to generate the list of differences between the original ROIs and the corrected ROIs.

Commandline Options

roi_convert roi-diff --help

Example Command

roi_convert roi-diff 
--orig_roi_dir orig_stardist_rois 
--corrected_roi_dir stardist_rois

Generating and Visualizing Cropboxes on DELLA

To generate cropboxes and visualize the MIPs on DELLA, do the following:

  1. Copy the scripts into a folder of your choice:
cp /tigress/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/scripts/runGenCropboxes.cmd <MY PATH>
cp /tigress/LIGHTSHEET/posfailab/ab50/tools/roi_convertor/scripts/runVizCropboxes.cmd <MY PATH>
  1. Edit the runGenCropboxes.cmd script with an editor after copying on your laptop or directly. Change the following lines:

Point the IMAGE_PATH to your original KLB files and the OUT_DIR to any directory you want to save the cropbox results. Edit the timestamp_min and timestamp_max to the first and last frames. Please test with a smaller range first!

  1. The code is talking about 2GB per frame. So, if you are running 100 images then set the memory required as 250GB in the line:
#SBATCH --mem=250G                # total memory per node 

It's near the top of the script.

  1. Run the script and wait for it to finish.
sbatch runGenCropboxes.cmd 
  1. Inspect the results log file. The run should produce a file called slurm-42221536.out. Read it:
cat slurm-42221536.out

If it says, WARNING!!! Multiple crop boxes found. Need to select one for membrane cropping., then we have to view the profiles. Otherwise, the cropbox index is 0. Move to step 7.

  1. View the crop profiles. Download the crop_x.png files and view them. It is likely clear which is the correct cropbox. Note the cropbox index.

  2. To generate the MIPs for the selected cropbox index, Edit the runVizCropboxes.cmd script with an editor after copying on your laptop or directly. Change the following lines:


Point the IMAGE_PATH to your original KLB files, and the CROP_DIR to the output directory from the previous script. Edit the timestamp_min and timestamp_max to the first and last frames. Finally, change the crop_box_index to the index of the cropbox you want to use.

  1. Run the script and wait for it to finish.
sbatch runVizCropboxes.cmd 

Rescaling Images