% Scriptus % Sal Aguinaga % 04, Oct, 2018
Scriptus is a collection of scripts that I've collected over the years to carry out useful tasks.
Scripts include Python, PHP, Octave, Matlab, JS, and others. Feel free to use these and when something isn't clear, feel free to contact me and ask for more info and details.
Using a Python bindings generator on a C++ library.
-[From the DataCamp course - data.table] (https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/img/blog/data+table+cheat+sheet.pdf) -call shell script from R
From R to 'system call' back with exit status of the system call.
- Compiling with GoogleTest; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27091412/how-to-compile-a-gtest-cpp-file
- Fraud detection online book