
disrupting the gameplay

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Hacking Movie Production

There is a legacy. A lot of legacy. A lot of people. Dreamers become blackmailers. World consumed by money.

Scripts & Tools

./bootstrap    - downloads and unpacks .bin/ tools


./convert.sh   - converts left channel stereo WAV into mono AIFF 48kHz/24bit

Hacking Audio

Historically movie format for audio is 48kHz/24bit. Often moved as AIFF files. The limitation of AIFF is 2Gb per file, which is 2 hours of stereo.

Voices are recorded in mono and then panned if needed to left or right. When stereo recording device saves sound from mono mic, it may create stereo file with voice in the left channel and noise in the right (Zoom H1 Handy Recorder does this).

To discard the noisy right channel and save into 48kHz/24Bit AIFF format, use FFMPEG tool. Made by awesome folks I can only hope that they are good and have enough cash to go on. The command to do so:

ffmpeg -i ZOOM0038.WAV -c:a pcm_s24be -ar 48000 -af "pan=mono|FC=FL" output.aiff

Or use ./convert.sh script for batch processing.

SRC=RAW/DAY1 ./convert.sh

To join multiple .WAV files into one without gaps, create a file list of what you want to join and

* [ ] add command