
SCIP Code Intelligence Protocol

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SCIP Code Intelligence Protocol

SCIP (pronunciation: "skip") is a language-agnostic protocol for indexing source code, which can be used to power code navigation functionality such as Go to definition, Find references, and Find implementations.

This repository includes:

  • A protobuf schema for SCIP.
  • Rich Go bindings for SCIP: This includes many utility functions to help build tooling on top of SCIP.
  • Auto-generated bindings for TypeScript, Rust and Haskell.
  • The scip CLI makes SCIP indexes a breeze to work with.

If you're interested in better understanding the motivation behind SCIP, check out the announcement blog post.

If you're interested in writing a new indexer that emits SCIP, check out our documentation on how to write an indexer. Also, check out the Debugging section in the Development docs.

If you're interested in consuming SCIP data, you can either use one of the provided language bindings, or generate code for the SCIP protobuf schema using the protobuf toolchain for your language ecosystem. Also, check out the Debugging section in the Development docs.


We welcome questions, suggestions as well as code and docs contributions.

For submitting contributions, check out Development.md to better understand project structure and common workflows.

Contributors should abide by the Sourcegraph Code of Conduct.

Installing CLI

You can find binaries for scip here. If you'd like to create a binary locally you can do so with:

git clone https://github.com/sourcegraph/scip.git --depth=1
cd scip
go build -o scip ./cmd

SCIP CLI reference

   scip - SCIP Code Intelligence Protocol CLI

   scip [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   For more details, see the project README at:


   convert   Convert a SCIP index to an LSIF index
   snapshot  Generate snapshot files for golden testing
   stats     Output useful statistics about a SCIP index
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  Print the current version and exit. (default: false)

scip convert

   scip convert - Convert a SCIP index to an LSIF index

   scip convert [command options] [arguments...]

   --from value  Path to SCIP index file (default: index.scip)
   --to value    Output path for LSIF index (default: dump.lsif)

scip print

   scip print - Print a SCIP index in a human-readable format for debugging

   scip print [command options] [arguments...]

   WARNING: The output may change over time.
   Do not rely on the output of this command in scripts

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

scip snapshot

   scip snapshot - Generate snapshot files for golden testing

   scip snapshot [command options] [arguments...]

   The snapshot subcommand generates snapshot files which
   can be use for inspecting the output of an index in a
   visual way. Occurrences are marked with caret signs (^)
   and symbol information.

   --from value  Path to SCIP index file (default: index.scip)
   --to value    Path to output directory for snapshot files (default: scip-snapshot)

scip stats

   scip stats - Output useful statistics about a SCIP index

   scip stats [command options] [arguments...]

   --from value  Path to SCIP index file (default: index.scip)