
  • Node.js v.14.15.0
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL 13
  • PgaAdmin 4
  • Postman
  • Redis
  • Multer
  • Bcrypt(hash password)
  • Cloudinary(optional)
  • Winston(Log File)
  • Sequelize ORM


Install Project

git clone 
cd backend-fastfood
npm install

Run Project

npm start

APIs Auth

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth Login

APIs Category

Method Endpoint Description
GET /category/commit Create category table
GET /category List of category
GET /category/:id List of specific category
POST /category Create New category
PUT /category Update a category
DELETE /category/drop Delete category table
DELETE /category Delete a category

APIs History

Method Endpoint Description
GET /history/commit Create history table
GET /history List of history
GET /history/:id List of specific history
POST /history Create New history
PUT /history Update a history
DELETE /history/drop Delete history table
DELETE /history Delete a history

APIs Product

Method Endpoint Description
GET /product/commit Create product table
GET /product List of product
GET /product/:id List of specific product
POST /product Create New product
PUT /product Update a product
DELETE /product/drop Delete product table
DELETE /product Delete a product

APIs User

Method Endpoint Description
GET /user/commit Create user table
GET /user List of user
POST /user Create New user
PUT /user Update a user
DELETE /user/drop Delete user table
DELETE /user Delete a user