
A 2D and 3D asteroids game using Ash Framework with multiple renderers (WebGL, Canvas, CreateJS)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A 2D and 3D asteroids game using Ash.js, a JavaScript port of Ash Framework


This example game is to show Ash Framework enables you to implement a game with multiple renderes (Canvas, CreateJS, Three.js) using the same game logic. This is due to clear separation between the game systems (physics, graphics, game logic) and the game data, which is encouraged by Ash Framework.

Just check out Ash Framework website for introduction, tutorials, and more info ;-)


This game supports multiple renderers using:

  • Canvas
  • CreateJS
  • Three.js
  • Pixi.js (wip)
  • more

This game also uses Backbone.js, JavaScript templating system, and CSS for the screens and game UI.



If you want to run in on your machine, make sure you have build the game (see Building/compiling below). Then, open ashteroids.html from your browser. This will run the built & minified version of the game.

Everytime you modify or customize the code, you have to re-build the sources in order to see the effect. Or you can run the game in development version (see the topic below).


This project uses RequireJS for AMD, Grunt for the building process, and Twitter's Bower for package manager.

All JavaScript files, including the Ash Framework, will be concatenated into 1 file & minified using UglifyJS.


  • Node.js
  • Grunt's CLI installed globally using npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Twitter Bower installed globally using npm install -g bower

Once you have all above installed, go to project folder and do:

npm install

That will automatically download & install the required modules for building process. After that, do:

bower install

That will automatically download & install other JavaScript libraries which are used by this application.


Once you have all dependencies installed, you can do as many build as you like by:


That will run jshint & build the game files. The results can be found on folder build, both minified & non-minified version.

Running the Development Mode

Running the development mode allows you to debug the source codes easily or see any changes immediately without having to build. To run in development mode, you need a local web-server. This is due to XMLHttpRequest for loading screen templates.

But don't worry, Grunt also includes a local web server. You just need to do:

grunt connect

That will start a local webserver using port 9000 by default. From your browser, you can go to http://localhost:9000/ashteroids.dev.html.

Grunt command lines

These are the list of other grunt commands you can use:

  • grunt jshint : jshint all JS files
  • grunt requirejs:compile : build the non-minified version
  • grunt requirejs:minified : build the minified version


Sounds assets are borrowed from https://github.com/JulianG/HTML5-Asteroids by Julian Garamendy


MIT License