
Admin Dashboard for an upcoming ecommerce app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

notes so far


- First to install prisma globally
    - npm install -g prisma
- Then to install prisma client
    - npm install @prisma/client
- Create a file in the lib folder called prismadb.ts
    - check the file for the code
- Then to initialize prisma
    - npx prisma init
- Then to generate prisma client
    - npx prisma generate (this will connect prisma and every table in the database to the app)
- Then to push prisma changes to planetScale 
    npx prisma db push
- To reset the database
    npx prisma migrate reset

Planet Scale (DB provider that deals with mysql)

- Create an account or login to planetScale
- Create a new database
- After the database (needed tables) is created, 
    - click on the database and click on the "Connect" button
    - select the connection method as "Prisma"
    - copy the connection string that contains the database name, username, password, host, port, and db name
    - paste the connection string in the .env file

shadcn ui

A UI library that is used have already prebuilt components that can be used in the app
    To install shadcn ui
        - npx shadcn-ui@latest init
        - after you answer a couple of questions the app folder layout would look like 
                ├── app
                |   |--- (Dashboard) --> it's not a route, it's just a folder that contains the dashboard page
                │   ├── layout.tsx
                │   └── page.tsx
                ├── components
                │   {├── ui
                │   │   ├── alert-dialog.tsx
                │   │   ├── button.tsx
                │   │   ├── dropdown-menu.tsx
                │   │   └── ...} ----> here where the components are
                │   ├── main-nav.tsx
                │   ├── page-header.tsx
                │   └── ...
                ├── lib
                │   └── utils.ts
                ├── styles
                │   └── globals.css
                ├── next.config.js
                ├── package.json
                ├── postcss.config.js
                ├── tailwind.config.js
                └── tsconfig.json
        - to install a component
            - npx shadcn-ui@latest add <The Name of the component>
                * ex: npx shadcn-ui@latest add button