- Introduction to Golang
- The Way Golang
- Mastering Concurrency in Golang
- Going Deeper with Golang
- Sources
- 📘 Introduction to Golang
- 📘 The Way Golang
- Go mod and dependency managemenet
- Package
- Package and import
- Package initialization
- Package os
- Package string
- Package flag
- Package strconv
- Package math
- Package container list
- Package sort
- Package time
- Package reflect
- Package regexp
- Package encode decode base64
- Package encode decode base64
- Package hash sha1
- A package working with a database
- Testing/quick go package
- Gitlab runners and go
- Github actions and go
- Reading and writing
- The json data format
- The XML data format
- Error handling and testing
- Goroutine and channels
- Concurrency-and-parallelism
- Synchronous-and-asynchronous-communication
- Semaphore-pattern
- Channel-factory-and-consumer-pattern
- Channel-directionality
- Synchronization-of-goroutines
- Switching between goroutines
- Channels timeouts tickers
- Using recover goroutines
- Tasks and worker processes
- Implementing a lazy generator
- Anonymous closure
- Implementing futures
- Mmultiplexing
- Limiting the number of requests
- Chaining and parallezing computation
- Channels