
Proteus generative sequencer for the Daisy Patch.Init()

Primary LanguageMakefile

Proteus generative sequencer for the Daisy Patch.Init()

Proteus is a generative sequencer. It creates a melody, then loops that melody for a while, until it gets bored and creates a new one. While it's looping the melody, it may transpose by octave or mutate individual notes as controlled by the knobs or CV.


Knob CV_1: Length - Sets the sequence length from 1 to 32 steps. You can change the sequence length on the fly without disturbing the melody. For instance, you can make it shorter and then longer again without changing the underlying melody. There is always a 32 step sequence in memory whether you are looping the whole thing or not.

Knob CV_2: Density - This controls the density of the melodies. As you turn this knob clockwise, the probability of rest notes decreases to 0 and all the steps will be filled with notes. Density is changed dynamically; every time the parameter changes, each note's probabilty of becoming a rest is independently re-calculated according to this parameter.

Knob CV_3: Scale - Sets the scale that notes are drawn from. Currently scales are, from clockwise to counter-clockwise: Major Natural Minor Harmonic Minor Major Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic Mixolydian

Knob CV_4: Gate - This is the length of the gate output as a fraction of the incoming clock time (average trigger-to-trigger time). At 12 o'clock, the gate length is half the trigger-to-trigger interval.

Switch - When in the top position, Proteus always has some chance of creating a new melody based on the underlying probability function that increases with each loop. When switched to the bottom position, that probability will freeze in place and Proteus will not ever generate a new melody.

Button (New sequence) - Pushing the center button will cause Proteus to immediately generate a new melody.


B10/gate_in_1: CLOCK - This is the clock input. Each trigger incoming on this port advances the sequence one step.

B9/gate_in_2: NEW MELODY - Trigger into this channel generates a new melody.

CV_5: LENGTH - Adjust sequence length with CV.


CV_7: DENSITY - Adjust note density with CV.

CV_8: GATE LENGTH - Adjust gate length with CV.


CV_OUT_1: V/OCT - Volt per octave out.

B5/gate_out_1: GATE OUT - Gate output