
A chat demo built in Nuxt.js with Ably, AWS RDS for Postgres, AWS Lambdas and the Ably/Postgres connector to make it entirely serverless and scalable

Primary LanguageVueApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A fully serverless editable chat demo that can scale to arbitrary levels

One of the obvious architectural patterns when it comes to building chat apps with a Pub/Sub service like Ably is to publish messages on a channel and make sure all the participants are subscribed to that same channel so they can receive the updates.

This pattern, however, suffers from the fact that there's no way to stream updates about previously published messages, for example in the case of having to edit a previously sent chat message.

This can be resolved by adopting a database-driven architectural pattern and allowing realtime messages to be triggered following any changes to the database, and thus to previously published data. To make this possible, the editable chat app makes use of the Ably Postgres connector which can watch for changes on a Postgres DB and publish messages to specific Ably channels on any change.

Supporting articles

I've written extensively about the architecture, implementation and deployment of various components of this app.

You can find them here:

App architecture

Serverless chat app architecture

Tech stack of the chat app

How to check out the demo

Go to https://serverless-scalable-chat.netlify.app/ and try it out. You can open multiple instances of it in different tabs or browsers to pretend there are multiple users.

How to run it locally

Step 1 - Set up your Postgres Database

This project requires a PostgresDB to store messages.

  • Download and install Postgres
  • Download and install pgAdmin to perform various operations on your PostgresDB
  • Create a new table called chat_data with the following SQL command
    username text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    msg_id text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    msg_data text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    client_id text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    incremental_record_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('chat_data_incremental_record_id_seq'::regclass),
    created_at_timestamp bigint,
    is_edited boolean,
    CONSTRAINT chat_data_pkey PRIMARY KEY (msg_id)

Step 2 - Set up the Ably Postgres connector for your app

This project depends on the Ably Postgres connector, so we'll need to set that up with our credentials.

  • Clone the connector repo with git clone https://github.com/ably-labs/ably-postgres-connector.git
  • Update config/default.json with the details of your database, tables, Ably channels and API Key. Note that if you want to name your channels differently, you'll need to update this in the Nuxt app as well.
  • Run the connector locally using node test.js

Step 3 - Set up the Lambda function and Ably integration

This project uses a Lambda function to make INSERT and UPDATE operations on the database. You can find the code in the lambda-function folder.

Upload this code to your Lambda function and set it up to be triggered whenever a new message is published on the outgoing-chat channel of your Ably app by following the steps provided in Ably docs.

Step 4 - Set up Ably auth endpoint

Ably accepts two ways of authentication - Basic Auth and Token Auth.

Basic auth is mostly useful for quick demos but you'll need to use Token Auth for secure authentication on production level apps to make sure the API Key doesn't get exposed.

For local usage

If you'd just like to try it out using Basic auth, you'll need to update the instantiateAbly() method in the actions.js file of the Nuxt store. Just replace the authUrl: '' parameter with key: '<YOUR-ABLY-API-KEY>'.

For usage in production

To enable Token auth, we can set up an auth endpoint and have this endpoint issue Ably Token Requests so that our frontend clients can authenticate with Ably securely.

In this repo, I have the auth endpoint hosted as a Netlify serverless function. You can find this in chat-web-app/netlify/functions/ably-auth.js. When you deploy the Nuxt project to Netlify, the function will be automatically activated by Netlify.

However, you'll need to update the authUrl parameter used to authenticate Ably in the Nuxt app and add your function's URL instead.

You can find this in the instantiateAbly() method in the actions.js file of the Nuxt store. Just replace the https://serverless-scalable-chat.netlify.app part of the endpoint with your Netlify function's URL.

For this to work, you'll need to supply your Ably API Key to the Netlify function via env variables. You can add it like so ABLY_API_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY>

With this, you should be all set with the Ably auth step.

Step 5 - Run the chat app

  • Change directory to the web app with cd chat-web-app

  • Install all the dependencies with npm install

  • Run the app with npm run dev

  • Go to the browser and open multiple instances of http://localhost:3000/ to try out the app.

Note: If you've used Token auth via Netlify functions, make sure that you've deployed the serverless auth endpoint before running the app.

Other notes

  • All the Ably methods are in the chat-web-app/store/actions.js file.
  • More details on various steps are coming soon but in the meantime, feel free to reach out to me directly via Twitter or via Ably Support, in case of any questions.