- 🔭 2+ years of professional experience in Web Development.
- 🎓 I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering.
- 💼 Currently working as a Front-End Developer.
- 🌱 Working experience in both Front-End and Back-End Libraries and Frameworks.
- ✍️ Have a strong idea about Version Control, Build Tools, APIs, Cros-Browser Compatibility, Performance Optimization, etc.
- ☕ I believe, a perfect cup of coffee can be the ultimate solution for any stress.
- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 💻 HTML/CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | Ruby | C/C++
- 🌐 Bootstrap | Tailwind CSS | Angular | React | Vue | Django | Ruby on Rails
- 🛢 Version Control | Build Tools | APIs | Responsive Design | Component Library
- 🔧 Performance Optimization | Package Management | Deployment Tools | Cros-Browser Compatibility
- 🖥 Problem Solving | Team Collaboration | Communication | Adaptability | Attention to Detail