#Six Degrees of Wikipedia


Wikipedia holds all the information in the history of ever. Hypermedia connects all the pages. But how is it all connected?

This project takes in a wikipedia page, find all the pages that link to it, all the pages that link to those, etc., then displays it all out to the user so we can see just how interesting the world really is.

I am using this project as a testbed to work with D3 transitions, socket.io and continue practicing with Node.

New Dev Setup

  1. git pull this repo. I use Vincent Driessen's git strategy so the master branch will be my latest stable release.
  2. Ensure you have node, npm, and redis installed.
  3. run npm install to manage/install your dependencies.
  4. cd wikipedia_test && node server.js and you're good to go! One caveat: I run on port 3001 because I usually have a Rails server up on 3000 for work. Nothing special there, no code counts on it. Just a little quirk.