
CLI for FusionJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build status


yarn add fusion-cli


  • fusion build [dir] [--test] [--cover] [--production] [--log-level]: Build your appplication
    • --test: Build tests as well as application
    • --cover: Build tests (with coverage) as well as application
    • --production: Build production assets
    • --log-level: Log level to output to console [default: "info"]
  • fusion dev [dir] [--port] [--no-hmr] [--test] [--cover] [--log-level]: Run your application in development
    • --port: The port on which the application runs [default: 3000]
    • --no-hmr: Run without hot modules replacement
    • --test: Run tests as well as application
    • --cover: Run tests (with coverage) as well as application
    • --log-level: Log level to output to console [default: "info"]
  • fusion profile [--environment] [--watch] [--file-count]: Profile your application
    • --environment: Either production or development [default: "production"]
    • --watch: After profiling, launch source-map-explorer with file watch
    • --file-count: The number of file sizes to output, sorted largest to smallest (-1 for all files) [default: 20]
  • fusion start [--environment]: Run your application
    • --environment: Which environment/assets to run - defaults to first available assets among ["development", "test", "production"]
  • fusion test [--cover] [--watch] [--skip-build]: Run tests
    • --cover: Run tests with coverage
    • --watch: Use existing built assets
    • --skip-build: Automatically re-profile your application on changes
  • fusion test-app [--watch] [--match]: Run tests
    • --watch: Automatically run tests when code changes.
    • --match="somestring": Only runs tests against files which match this string.
    • --coverage: Collects and outputs test coverage
    • --env: Which environments to run tests in. Defaults to "node,jsdom". You may specify only one.
    • --updateSnapshot: Updates snapshots