
OpenShift Template for Metabase backed by PostgreSQL

MIT LicenseMIT

Metabase on OpenShift

Openshift Template for Metabase backed by PostgreSQL

Create Template

oc create -f metabase.yml

Delete Instance Resources

Clean up all resources created. Note label filters assume single instance of template deployed in the current namespace.

oc delete all -l app=metabase
oc delete pods -l app=metabase
oc delete persistentvolumeclaim -l app=metabase
oc delete serviceaccount -l app=metabase
oc delete secret -l app=metabase


Resource Limits

When deploying this template it is important to note that if pod limits are set and default container limits match pod limits, all deployments will fail. For example, if pod limit and container limit is set to the following;

    cpu: 500m
    memory: 1Gi

OpenShift tries to reserve 2Gi for the 2 containers launched in the same pod. This obviously will exceed the pod limit set. If this is an issue, update the resources.limits values in the template before deploying. Or change it within your deployment configuration.