Reproducer for namespace package issue in PyCharm

Steps to reproduce

Once you have cloned the repository you can set up the environment as follows.

Initialise the virtual environment

# this ensures the virtual environment is created in the project directory
poetry config --local true
# this sets the environment up with all the required dependencies
poetry install

Open the namespace project in PyCharm

Once opened do the following.

  1. Set the interpreter if not already detected (namespace/.venv/bin/python).
  2. Mark src as source directory for the project.

Expected behaviour

The file at namespace/src/namespace/ should not have any inspection errors.

Actual behaviour

The file namespace/src/namespace/ has inspection errors, like shown here.

Cannot find reference 'core' in ''

This is because PyCharm does not correctly detect namespace-core in the active environment when the is omitted in the namespace-core and a source directory is marked in namespace.