
RabbitMQ OpenShift Stateful Cluster

MIT LicenseMIT

RabbitMQ Cluster on OpenShift/Kubernetes

This is an opinionated OpenShift template for a RabbitMQ cluster using StatefulSets. The cluster members are auto discovered using the Kubernetes peer discovery plugin.

The following resources are created with this template:

  • StatefulSet with 3 replicas (creates PVCs for each replica)
  • Secret with default username/password and erlang cookie (generated)
  • RoleBinding (view role to default service account)
  • ConfigMap with keys containing
    • enabled_plugins file content
    • additional_erl_args containing additional erlang VM arguments
  • Service mapping ports 15672/TCP, 5672/TCP, 25672/TCP, 4369/TCP

Additional Configuration

Additional configurations can be passed in by editing the additional_erl_args value. This is expected in the erlang configuration format.

Template Installation

oc create -f openshift-template.yml