Rancid Tomatillos

Visit the deployed site here.

Table of Contents


This application allows a user to view a movie library, click on an individual movie poster to see details of that movie, and watch a trailer. Goal was to implement React framework and utilizing React Router along with End-to-End testing using Cypress.



  1. Fork this Repo
  2. Clone it down to your machine
  3. cd into the root of the project directory
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run npm start in your terminal

Technologies and Tools

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Router
  • ReactPlayer
  • RESTful API
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Cypress Testing
  • npm
  • Node.js
  • GitHub Issues
  • GitHub Projects

Learning Goals

  • Gain competency with React fundamentals
  • Learn how to test React components & asynchronous JS
  • Practice refactoring
  • Create a multi-page UX using Router

Project Reflections


  • Gained more confidence in using React
  • Learned new technologies through Router and Cypress testing
  • Accomplished learning goals defined by the project specs
  • Successfully achieved all features for the application


  • Learning and implementing new technologies through self-study
  • Working around 3 different time zones of each contributor


Future features could include:

  • Search/Filter functionality
  • Add a new movie
  • Update a current movie's details


Amber Bodnar

Grant Beard

Neil Linton


The Turing School of Software and Design provided a project spec sheet for students to follow, which can be found here.