
A simple AWS Lightsail webservice deployment with Terragrunt.

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS Lightsail PoC

A simple AWS Lightsail webservice deployment with Terragrunt.

Use case

  • A webservice should respond with a defined text (display-text). The value is sensitive and should be suppressed in terraform logs and provided via an environment variable ECHO_TEXT
  • There should be development and production stage. Both can be configured independently.
  • The platform is AWS with focus on Lightsail
  • The domain management should be managed by Route53 too
  • Terraform and Terragrunt should be used

Solution sketches

There are two solutions to solve the use case.

Use containers (modules/webservice-container)

Lightsail provides an integrated domain, certificate and load balancing management.

The current AWS provider doesn't provide the load balancer domain but the URL of the load balancer. The URL must be formated to be used for an alias for Route53. Also a predefined zone ID must be used for the corresponding AWS region.

Use instances (modules/webservice-instance)

Lightsail can use managed EC2 instance with a load balancer. The load balancer can be equipped with certificates and custom domain names, that can be aliased with Route53. On the EC2 instance a regular docker daemon can be installed and ports for services can be published.


For the development stage do

cd stage/dev
terragrunt apply -auto-approve

For the production stage do

cd stage/prod
terragrunt apply -auto-approve


Parameter Meaning
display-text Text to be returned by webservice
domain Domain of the service
ec2-enable-access-ssh Enable public SSH access (only for instance)
enforce-https Enforce redirection to HTTPS (only for instance)
service-instances Number of running contains (only for containers)
service-power Lightsail instance type to use

Set the corresponding parameters for

  • Development stage in stages/dev/terragrunt.hcl
  • Production stage in stages/prod/terragrunt.hcl

Trouble shooting

Missing field for DNS validation records

aws_lightsail_certificate used domain_validation_options and aws_lightsail_lb_certificate used domain_validation_records instead.

Can't deploy due dependent data that's available only after creation of resources

Certificate status isn't evaluated in a nice way for aws_lightsail_certificate and aws_lightsail_lb_certificate. Use the target parameter to deploy certain resources first e.g.

# For EC2 solution
terragrunt apply -auto-approve -target=aws_lightsail_lb_certificate.frontend
# For container solution
terragrunt apply -auto-approve -target=aws_lightsail_certificate.webservice