#Android App for empfehlungsbund.de
This App uses Apache Cordova. See the Cordova Documentation for information about the usage. You have to install their software to build the app.
To install the other dependencies of the App run
rake install:brew
rake install:app
In order to deploy the app to your android phone run the following commands in the main directory
rake android:usb
You can use the AndroidSDK to debug and test the App, if you want to start the App in the Android emulator run
rake android:emulator
to view the log simply run
rake debug
in the main directory.
weinre lets you debug your in mobile chrome
npm install -g weinre
rake debug:weinre
# uncomment script tag weinre in index.html.haml
make build
cordova run android
# navigate to
adjust IP of course!
You can also start the App on a web server by running
rake debug:server
change platforms/android/local.properties
and run
rake android:release
- Autocompletion - DONE!
- "Teilen" action ausloesbar? also Job durch das Android Share schiken @pebra
- Merkliste als E-Mail(??) schicken - DONE
- Buildskript: Pfade!!! /js -> js @zealot128 DONE!
- Lade-Indikator - DONE
- Notification/ gemerkt etc
- Geolocation - DONE