
Open source Front-End tool to simulate and visualize a microplate, an assay plate with multiple wells used as small test tubes in biology

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Version Build Technology-1 Technology-2 Technology-3 License: MIT


Plate Maker is an open source frontend tool developed by Abolis Biotechnologies to simulate and visualize a microplate, an assay plate with multiple wells used as small test tubes in biology. Plate Maker is flexible and easy to use library, that can be quickly implemented in Angular* projects.

This tool was generated with Angular CLI v10.1.1 and tested with Node v10.16.0 and NPM v6.13.6. Plate Maker depends on ngx-drag-to-select package: lightweight, fast, configurable and reactive Drag-To-Select (DTS) component for Angular 6 and beyond.

*If you are new to Angular, please visit the Getting Started Angular Tutorial.

Table of Contents

Main Features and Demonstration

  • Create and visualise assay plates with up to 96 wells
  • Select wells on the assay plate simply by dragging (Drag to select)*
  • Fill selected wells with objects from the Configuration menu
  • Wells with the same content are grouped by color for easy visualisation
  • Read-only assay plates in the visualization mode

*Drag To Select is the process of clicking on a portion of the screen, holding down the mouse button, and dragging the cursor to another location. This action will select everything from the beginning to the end of the drag.

Project Structure

The project workspace hosts three major parts:

  • A library with Plate Maker components and modules (/projects/@abolis/plate-maker)
  • An example of Plate Maker usage (/projects/app)
  • An automatic end-to-end tests (/cypress)
    ├── cypress                           ─────── End-To-End tests  
    ├── project 
    |   ├── @abolis                       ───┐
    |   |   └── plate-maker                  |
    |   |       ├── src                      | 
    |   |       |   ├── lib                  |
    |   |       |   |   ├── *.html           ├─── Library
    |   |       |   |   ├── *.scss           |
    |   |       |   |   └── *.ts             |
    |   |       |   └── public_api.ts        |
    |   |       └── *.json                ───┘
    |   └── app                           ───┐
    |       └── src                          |  
    |           ├── app                      |
    |           |   ├── create-plate-app     |
    |           |   ├── display-plate-app    ├─── Application
    |           |   └── ...                  |
    |           ├── assets                   |
    |           ├── index.html               |
    |           └── ...                   ───┘
    ├── package.json
    └── ...

Getting Started

Pre-requisites (Install)

The standard way to install and to run this library is to use NPM*.

  npm install           # if this is your first time here
  npm run build.lib     # Build the main library
  npm run serve.dev     # Run the app in development mode

For more build tasks, please see package.json.

*If you are new to NPM, please visit the Getting Started NPM Tutorial.

Running End-to-End Tests

Run cypress.live to execute the End-to-End tests in live mode via Cypress. To run the End-to-End tests in console mode please use cypress.ci. For more details, please see package.json.

Configurations and Dependencies

All configurations and dependencies can be found in angular.json and package.json.

Adding Plate Maker to Your Application

  • Declare Plate Maker library dependency in your package.json
  "@abolis/plate-maker": "^1.2.0"
  • Add Plate Maker component in your html template, respecting its inputs and outputs.
<lib-plate-maker ...></lib-plate-maker>

Usage Example

Once you have served the project, you can visit your localhost to see the running app with a default configuration of angular CLI project. The main Navbar contains two links, one of them is for simulating assay plates, and the other one corresponds to plate visualising tool.

Simulating an Assay Plate

  1. Drag your mouse over wells you want to select ('Drag to Select').
  2. In the Configuration menu choose objects in Main Object or Other Object fields to fill selected wells with it. All wells containing an object will be colored by a random color and then grouped by this random color*.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to fill in all neccessary wells of the plate with objects.
  4. Use Save button of the Configuration menu to print an assay plate into the console. You can also send an assay plate to a backend server instead of printing it.
  • To delete objects from selected wells use Backspace or Delete keys.
  • To name an assay plate use the Barcode field.

*Note that wells with objects chosen in the Main Object field can be grouped by color, while wells with objects from the Other Object field do not provide this option.

Visualising an Assay Plate

  • Select a barcode from the Barcode(s) menu to display an assay plate. Note, that the visualised assay plate is read-only.
  • Barcode(s) menu provides an option of filtering assay plate by barcodes.
  • The barcode(s) and their plate arrays can be fetched from a backend server.

For more implementation details see the source code (/projects/app).


In this section, you will find more specific information about integration of Plate maker library to an Angular project.

Customizing Styles

  • If you use scss in your project then you need to add the following instruction on the top of your styles.scss:
// Overriding ngx-drag-to-select sass variables - Should be before importing ngx-drag-to-select scss file
$selected-item-border-size: 2px;
$selected-item-border-color: #000000;

// import ngx-drag-to-select scss file
@import "~ngx-drag-to-select/scss/ngx-drag-to-select";
  • If you use css in your project then you have to import ngx-drag-to-select.css and add the following lines to styles.css:
.dts-select-container:not(.dts-custom) .dts-select-item.selected {
  border: 2px solid #000000;

Main Features

In the HTML template (plate-maker.component.html), you can notice the dts-select-container component that wraps all wells you want to be selectable in this component. This component is provided by the ngx-drag-to-select library, and it is used with following features:

Input/Output Description
[(selectedWells)] binds the selected wells
[disabled] changes an editable plate to read-only
(selectionEnded) triggered when wells are selected

On the other hand, our Plate Maker component is designed to have three properties, one hostListener, three inputs and two outputs:

I/O/Prop./Listener Type Description
selectedWells property 2D array, represents the selected wells when the [(selectedWells)] of the DTS component is fired
contentsDetails property array of strings, represents the well contents that will be displayed when clicking a well
truncateLimit property number, defines the limit of a well content
keyup hostListener listens to the keyup event (using keyboard Backspace and Delete keys to clear selected wells)
[wells] input 2D array, gets plate wells sent by the app (e.g., an assay plate with empty wells at initialization)
[disableSelection] input boolean, signals if an assay plate is read-only (in visualization mode)
[tick] input an optional EventEmitter that plate-maker will subscribe to, to re-compute the wells rendering on-demand only. When this input is not provided, the computation is performed in ngDoCheck(), which is to say an (awful) lot of times. Use this input to increase performance if needed.
(selected) output emitted when well(s) is(are) selected for updating (filled)
(deleted) output emitted when well(s) is(are) selected for deleting objects from it

Well is represented by WellInterface with 4 following properties:

Property Type Description
row number row index of a well in a plate array
column number column index of a well in a plate array
bgColor string indicates the background color of a well
content array array of ContentInterface (see table below), represents well content

Well content is represented by a ContentInterface with 3 following properties:

Property Type Description
type string represents content type
value string indicates the content value
mdb_classes string contains MDBootstrap classes to customize the displayed content

Development Github Release (for maintainers)

Each Travis CI pipeline pushes a tar package (only if all its tests passed, obviously) that can be used in other projects at development stage. Therefore, in order to declare this lib in another project's package.json, just look for the url of the library in the github releases.

NPM Official Release (for maintainers)

  • Integrate your changes on master branch
  • Git commit/push and wait for the job to succeed
  • git checkout release branch
  • Merge with master branch
  • Bump up the version minor, and possibly major (https://semver.org/), in [package.json] of the app and the library
  • If needed, update readme
  • npm install
  • Git commit with a message exactly matching Release YYYY.X.Z
  • Git push and wait for the job to succeed \o/


Plate Maker will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Releases are numbered with the following format:


MAJOR versions indicate incompatible API changes,

MINOR versions add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and

PATCH versions introduce backwards-compatible bug fixes.

For more information on SemVer, please visit http://semver.org.


MIT © Abolis Biotechnologies