
Project template and packaging targets file to allow easier Package'n'Publish integration with TFS (or other CI) builds.

Primary LanguageC#


This project creates a Visual Studio extension (VISX) containing Project templates and a packaging MSBuild targets file to allow easier Package'n'Publish integration with TFS (or other CI) builds.

It was presented at Developer! Developer! Developer! South West 4 (http://www.dddsouthwest.com) on 26th May 2012, and in an updated form at DDDNorth 2 on 13th October 2012.


  • Visual Studio 2012 SP1.
  • Visual Studio 2012 SP1 SDK.
  • NuGet Package Manager 1.8 or above.

Getting Started

There's a handy screencast demonstrating how to get started on YouTube:

How to create a NuGetPackage using the NuGet.Package'n'Publish extension

  • Install the extension into Visual Studio

  • EITHER from a pre-built .visx file

  • OR by building the NuGet.PackageNPublish.sln solution (and then installing the generated .visx file)

  • Add a new NuGet.PackageNPublish project to your solution.

  • Give the project sensible name ending in .NuGetPackage

  • If named like this, then the assembly from the packaging project is removed from the package automatically.

  • Add references to the assemblies you want to include in your package

  • Any assembly ending in .Silverlight.dll will be put in the lib/SL40 folder within the package.

  • Any other assembly will be put in the lib/Net40 folder within the package.

  • Any assembly with CopyLocal=false will be skipped and NOT included in the package.

  • Add dependencies on other NuGet packages

  • Don't forget to set the assemblies added by other NuGetPackages to CopyLocal=False!

  • Set the AssemblyTitle, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyDescription in Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs

  • Build the solution

  • You now have NuGet (.npkg) and a Symbols (.symbols.nupkg) packages built in your project directory!

How to publish a package using the NuGet.Package'n'Publish extension

  • Build your solution with the /p:PublishNuGetPackage=true msbuild switch
  • To change the target repository from the default (http://nuget.org) use the /p:PublishNuGetPackageTarget="http://myrepo.org" switch
  • If you've not cached the API key for your custom repository, use the /p:PublishNuGetPackageTargetKey="MySecretAPIKey" switch

How to publish a Symbols package using the NuGet.Package'n'Publish extension

  • Build your solution with the /p:PublishSymbolPackage=true msbuild switch
  • To change the target repository from the default (http://symbolsource.org) use the /p:PublishSymbolPackageTarget="http://mysymbolserver.org" switch
  • If you've not cached the API key for your custom repository, use the /p:PublishSymbolPackageTargetKey="MySecretAPIKey" switch

Still to do


  • A project template for "meta" packages (i.e. those that only contain dependencies on other NuGet packages)
  • Documentation! Documentation! Documentation!

Get Involved

Fork it... Fix it... Generate Pull requests... Use it!

For general chat about the NuGet.PackageNPublish tooling, there's also the JabbR channel - http://jabbr.net/#/rooms/NuGetPackageNPublish


Thanks have to go to my company, Landmark Information Group (http://www.landmark.co.uk / @LandmarkUK) for allowing this tooling to be open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license.