
Some Camel Demos

Primary LanguageJava


Some Camel Demos

  1. Greet (gr) - spring based camel greeter.

  2. Mina (mn) - dummy server.

  3. Content Based File Copier (cfc) - file copy from source to destination based on file content

  4. File Copier (fc) - file copy from source to destination

  5. File Printer (fp) - prints contents of files in directory

  6. File Writer (fw) - write message from stream to file

  7. FTP FileWriter (fw) - write message from stream to file located on ftp server

  8. FTP to JMS (ftj) - write files from ftp to jms queue

  9. FTP to JMS with error handler (fte) - write files from ftp to jms queue with additional error handling

  10. Text to CSV (tc)- write text data to csv file

  11. Text to CSV bindy (tcb) - write text data to csv file using bindy

  12. Text to Custom Format (tcf) - write text data to custom file format.

  13. Text to Json (tj) - write text data to json file

  14. Text to XML JAXB (txj) - write text data to xml file using JAXB

  15. Text to XML Xstream (txx) - write text data to xml file using Xstream

  16. Concurrent File Processor (cfp) - process files from source directory in parrallel

  17. Concurrent Component (cc) - usage of concurrent component in camel.

  18. File Read ThreadPool (fth) - read files from source directory using thread pool

  19. Some demos are in unit tests. See concurency and data conversion modules

  20. Shopping cart - Spring boot + Camel Rest

Note: Arg name for running is in ()

Build and run

./mvnw clean install 

java -jar <jar-location>/camelDemo <demo-name>