
In this workshop, I assume

  • You can install things on your computer
  • You have basic knowledge about the shell: how to run commands, change the current directory, relative and absolute paths, etc.
  • You have basic programming knowledge (e.g you know what a function is and how to use one in whatever language)

Before starting

Installing VS Code

  • This step is optional, but I highly recommend downloading and using VS Code. It's a powerful text editor for writing code and it's what I'll be using in the workshop. (link to download)

Installing npm

  1. Install Node.js version LTS (probably is 16.15.0) (link to download)
  2. Confirm it's installed by opening your shell and typing node --version. It should show the version you installed.
  3. Update npm with npm install -g npm (if this gives an error, you may need to use sudo npm install -g npm)

Initializing the React project

  1. In the shell, navigate to where you would like the project to be created and run npx create-react-app inspire-workshop. This will create a directory containing a basic React project titled "inspire-workshop".
  2. cd to this directory and run npm start. Your web browser should open to show this spinning image:
  3. Done! Your basic React project is set up.