
Face Recognition and Detection App

Primary LanguageJava


This still under-development project using OpenCV Library and Computer Vision concept to perform face detectetion and recognition task and it's also forked from my whole project hope to be helpful to anyone who newbie to OpenCV

Getting Started

Just deploy the project on your machine and use Android Studio to get started.


OpenCV Library with face module which can be found on this link:

This library support 5 kind of CPUs [armeabi - armeabi-v7a - x86 - x86_64 - arm64-v8a] so you have not to worry about compatibility
if you need to add an extra module [opencv_contrib] and don't know how feel free to add an issue or ask me on fb.com/assemabozaid


  • First download the library from link above and add new Module from android studio then choose the library
  • After that, you gonna copy jniLibs from library to the main project to the same name folder, that because we're using C++ Code compiled with NDK so to make this code executes correctly we have to target which CPUs this device use.
  • Now your project should compile without any errors!

Simple Video