
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


SPACEWHALE is a workflow for using high-resolution satellite imagery and computer vision techniques to locate whales. It's a collaboration between a team at Stony Brook University (aborowicz, lmhieu612, and hlynch from lynch-lab) and a team from BioConsult and HiDef Aerial Surveying (blackbawks, G. Nehls, C. Höschle, V. Kosarev). It employs pytorch as a framework to train models how to identify whales in imagery. They train on aerial imagery and then can be used on very high-resolution satellite imagery. We used WorldView-3 and -4 imagery (31cm/px) but other sensors could be used. We provide proprietary aerial imagery (of minke whales) from HiDef down-sampled to 31cm/px and other resolutions could be made available. Similarly, aerial imagery from other providers could be used in place of what is here.

Getting Started

SPACEWHALE runs on the command line.

31cmAerialImagery.zip contains the aerial imagery

'''gen_training_patches.py''' takes in images and chops them into 32px x 32px tiles. It takes as arguments the directory of images to tile --root, the step (how many pixels before starting a new tile) --step, the square tile size in pixels ---size, and the output directory --output. For example python gen_training_patches.py --root './water_training' --step 16 --size 32 --output './water_tiles'

m_util.py houses functions etc. that are called by other scripts

training_tester_weighted.py trains a model using a set of aerial images that you define. Example: python training_tester_weighted.py --name model_1 --data_dir './the_data' --model resnet152 --lr 0.001 --verbose True --epochs 24 name is what you want to call the model you're about to train data_dir is the directory with your training data in it. In this case your training data need to be in a dir called train and you should point to the dir above it. Inside train you need a dir with each of your classes (e.g. whale and water) verbose asks whether you want info printed out in the terminal lr is the learning rate model is the model type: ResNet-18, 34, or 152 and DenseNet. See model.py for details. epochs asks for how many epochs you'd like the model to train

test_script.py validates the model with a test set that you define and kicks out some output such as the precision and recall at each epoch. It also writes out 3 CSVs with the filename, label, and prediction for each image in a separate CSV. Example: python test_script.py --data_dir './test_dir' --modtype resnet152 --model model_1 --epochs 24 data_dir should include two dirs labeled with your classes (exactly as they were for training, e.g. water and whale in our case). model is the trained model that you'll use to test with modtype is the model type as in the training script epochs refers to the epoch (model weights) you want to use to test with. If you want to test with all of them, you can run test_script in a loop over all the epochs you have.

The shell_scripts dir houses scripts used to send training and validation jobs to the SeaWulf cluster at IACS at Stony Brook U (with proper credentials) for Slurm and Torq The Revision_PLOS dir houses the working draft of the revised manuscript for this project.

SPACEWHALE_confusionMatrix.R is an R script for building a confusion matrix in ggplot2.

The Revision_PLOS dir houses the working draft of the revised manuscript for this project.

SPACEWHALE_confusionMatrix.R is an R script for building a confusion matrix in ggplot2.

Pre-trained Models Used for Training:

Both DenseNet161 and ResNet18 can be downloaded via torchvision ModelZoo at :


A ResNeXt101 model pre-trained on ImageNet can be downdloaded at:


Please download this pre-trained ResNeXt101 model to the ```RESNEXT''' folder.