
This is admin template ready for CodeIgniter development. Integrated with CI 3.1.4, HMVC, Ion Auth 2, and AdminLTE.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is admin template ready for CodeIgniter development. The specification is :

  1. CodeIgniter framework version 3.1.4, http://codeigniter.com
  2. Integrated with HMVC, https://bitbucket.org/wiredesignz/codeigniter-modular-extensions-hmvc
  3. Integrated with ion_auth, http://benedmunds.com/ion_auth/
  4. AdminLTE theme, https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE

I also add one user module with CRUD capability ( add user, edit user, delete user, change password ) and login module, of course. You can use my code and edit it by yourself. For demo you can try it at http://codeigniter-bootstrap.abosmond.xyz/, username : administrator, password : password. If you have any question, just pull requests or contact me at abosmond86@gmail.com.

Happy coding,