All notebook material:
Browse the static content online (pre-rendered outputs) using nbviewer
You will need an internet connection but you do not have to install any packages locally.
The tutorials will require the following packages:
- python>=3.6
- jupyter
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- pandas-profiling
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- plotly
- jupytext (required only for contributors)
We provide both requirements.txt
and environment.yml
to install packages.
You can install the packages using pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can create an scikit-learn-tutorial
conda environment
by executing:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
then activate the environment with:
$ conda activate scikit-learn-tutorial
You can also update your current environment, instead of creating a new environment, using:
$ conda env update --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --prune
The source files, which should be modified, are in the python_scripts
directory. The notebooks are generated from these files.
This repository uses Jupytext to display Python files as notebooks. Saving as Python files facilitates version control.
When jupytext is properly connected to jupyter, the python files can be opened in jupyter and are directly displayed as notebooks
With jupyter notebook
Once jupytext is installed, run the following command:
jupyter serverextension enable jupytext
With jupyter lab
To make it work with "jupyter lab" (instead of
"jupyter notebook"), you have to install nodejs (conda install nodejs
works if you use conda). Then in jupyter lab you have to right click
"Open with -> notebook" to open the python scripts with the notebook
To rebuild all the rendered notebooks (from time to time, slow to run):
$ make
In some cases you
may need to use a jupytext
command directly rather than using the provided
. For instance, to create an empty notebook from a Python script:
$ jupytext --to ../notebooks//ipynb python_scripts/