
Cordova grunt script to clean and copy images

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project aims to make the build process of a cordova-ionic Android project easier.

Cordova grunt script to build a Ionic project.

When you have a cordova project, some folders and image files are :

  • irrelevant
  • not generated
  • depending on the UI framework you use

Icons are only generated with Phonegap Build.

The reference file structure this script is based on can be found here : https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-start The script is all about copying icons. A clean task was added to remove a /scss folder (considering you work with Ionic UI framework). A clean task was added to remove a /res folder (from phoengap-start) A sass compiling task was added for the ionic app.scss.

The grunt command will build the Android application for you. Here are the steps :

  • sass compile
  • Android cordova build
  • clean scss and res folders in platform folder
  • copy assets in platform folder


Install grunt

npm install -g grunt-cli --save-dev

Create Cordova project

cordova create TestCordova

cd TestCordova/www

cordova platform add android

Copy desired assets

Let's say we start with Ionic, copy /scss from Ionic distribution in your /www project. You copy the /res folder from phonegap-start in your /www folder.

Install grunt tasks

cd TestCordova

Copy the provided Grunt files

npm install

Run grunt tasks
