IGBlade Frontend Challenge


The goal of this challenge is to evaluate your experience with in Vue.js and your ability to deliver clean code.


Create a modular filter component that can be used everywhere regardless of the type of items that are being filtered. For example, currently we use a modular filter component to filter a user's assigned social media profiles and posts.


  • User accounts: POST https://igblade.com/api/v3/users/{userId}/accounts/searches
    • userId is the user's numeric ID eg. 124124
  • Social account posts: POST https://igblade.com/api/v3/{platform}/accounts/{username}/posts/searches
    • platform is one of instagram or tiktok - please only use instagram for this challenge.
    • username is the social profile's unique username eg. cristiano

Building the filter request

The filter request data should look the same for all endpoints.

POST /api/v3/instagram/accounts/5.min.crafts/posts/searches HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Host: igblade.com
Connection: close
Content-Length: 159


The filters should be provided as an array of filter objects.

sort_by and sort_desc can be safely omitted.

The required fields for each filter are:

  • key the key of the field that is filtered see keys
  • type the field type that is filtered see types
  • comparison the comparison method see comparisons
  • value the user supplied value used for filtering (not required in some cases)


The filter component should support the following types:

  • number
    • value can be any integer or float number
  • string
    • value can be any string
  • boolean
    • value is not required
  • date
    • in case a relative comparison is selected value can be an integer representing number of days
    • in case an absolute comparison is selected value can be a date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • time
    • in case an absolute comparison is selected value should be a 24h time in HH:mm format


The filter component should support different types of comparisons for each type (see above).

  • Number

    • greater than (gt)
    • less than (lt)
    • is (is)
    • is not (is_not)
    • is unknown (unknown) — field is null
    • has any value (any) — field is NOT null
  • String

    • is (is)
    • is not (is_not)
    • starts with (starts_with)
    • ends with (ends_with)
    • contains (contains)
    • does not contain (not_contain)
    • is unknown (unknown) — field is null
    • has any value (any) — field is NOT null
  • Boolean (value field not required, true or false should be sent in the comparison field)

    • true (true)
    • false (false)
  • Date

    • less than (gt_relative)
    • more than (lt_relative)
    • exactly (is_relative)
    • after (gt)
    • before (lt)
    • is (on)
    • is unknown (unknown) — field is null
    • has any value (any) — field is NOT null
  • Time

    • after (gt)
    • before (lt)
    • is (on)
    • is unknown (unknown) — field is null
    • has any value (any) — field is NOT null

Filterable fields

We omitted a few custom fields for simplicity, but the point of this component is modularity, so bear in mind that it should support all kinds of custom fields and comparisons.


View all fields
    "label":"Engagement rate",
    "label":"Is private",
    "label":"Profile link",
    "label":"Is verified",
    "label":"Is business",


View all fields
      "label":"Video views",
      "label":"Time of day",

Component interface

The root of the filter component should have a value prop that accepts an array of filters and updates it with $emit('input', filters) to be used with v-model.

The component should have another prop used to pass in the fields that can be filtered.

It should be simple to implement other types of comparisons and custom fields as seen on IGBlade.com, but for this challenge the listed fields are enough.


Here are a few screenshots to illustrate how the component should look like and work.

Field picker Numeric field String field

Bonus objective

We'll give bonus points if you implement a wrapper component that parses and writes the filters in the query string. Hint: we are using a base64 encoded solution for this.


If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at ps@igblade.com.


You should deliver a Vue.js single file component, or two if you complete the bonus objective.

Please try to document your code as much as possible.

Technologies Used in Project

  • Vue
  • TailwindCSS
  • Axios


git clone https://github.com/abouhilalbadr/polar-front-end-challenge.git

cd polar-front-end-challenge

yarn serve

Running the app

To get the app up and running run :

yarn serve

Finnaly, The project will be available at : http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.