
Cypress tests to fill to check the fastify-example application

These tests are for the online course Cypress Network Testing Exercises

The public repository has test placeholders to be filled by the actual Cypress commands.


  • Node.js >= 14 check with node -v
  • clone the example application repo fastify-example, install its dependencies and start the application. It should be running at localhost:4200


  • npm install

Should install all dependencies, including Cypress

Start writing tests

  • Enroll in the course
  • Watch the introduction lesson
  • Open the first test spec01.js and try implementing it following the comments
  • Watch the lesson that covers the spec01.js to see if your solution matches mine


There are 60+ tests, to see them all use find-cypress-specs

$ npm run print

cypress/integration/spec30.js (1 test)
└─ handles test flake using the test retries

found 45 specs (63 tests, 8 pending)


These tests were set up by Gleb Bahmutov. If you have any feedback about these tests and the course, drop me an email