Inspect Python code and PyPI package manifests. Resolve Python dependencies.
- 2
- 1
--index-url not parsed correctly
#189 opened by bennati - 1
- 8
- 8
Pip.conf settings are not parsed or respected
#180 opened by calizarr - 0
Version 0.12.1 reports 0.12.0 as its version
#184 opened by sschuberth - 0
Migrate repository to aboutcode-org
#183 opened by chinyeungli - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Do not fail on unsupported manifests
#177 opened by AyanSinhaMahapatra - 1
.netrc file is queried incorrectly
#176 opened by oheger-bosch - 0
Issue for python-inspector
#175 opened by buwagaurav - 2
RecursionError in Dependency Resolution with "sphinx-rtd-theme" in requirements.txt
#164 opened by inderps - 1
Relative links confuse PyPi
#129 opened by bennati - 3
- 0
Also add CycloneDX and SPDX output options
#171 opened by pombredanne - 7
Dotted Python version not fully supported
#167 opened by sschuberth - 2
Stacktrace for a given requirement file
#138 opened by nnobelis - 4
Parse error at "'# Note: '": Expected W:(0-9A-Za-z)
#152 opened by bennati - 2
Use asyncio to gain performance
#162 opened by netomi - 4
Graceful handling of non-existent packages
#141 opened by tsteenbe - 0
- 5
Analysis with 0.9.7 fails with `cannot import name 'Feature' from 'setuptools'`
#133 opened by MarcelBochtler - 2
- 4
Question: Can python-inpector handle manifest files other than requirements.txt and setup.py?
#153 opened by shi9qiu - 0
Do not use absolute paths in test fixtures
#150 opened by pombredanne - 3
Python-inspector cannot parse requirements.txt with '\' as end of line character
#148 opened by gmathiou4 - 1
`--find-links` in `requirements.txt` not handled
#142 opened by fviernau - 7
Having private packages makes python-inspector crashes
#127 opened by qequ - 1
Add Cython as dependency
#136 opened by bennati - 3
Exception in requirements.txt
#128 opened by dgutson - 4
- 2
CI is failing with `##[warning]An image label with the label ubuntu-18.04 does not exist.`
#139 opened by TG1999 - 4
Conflicts with python versions on patch level
#103 opened by oheger-bosch - 5
Parallelize python-inspector runs
#105 opened by bennati - 2
`No matching distribution found for typing-extensions` when install in Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
#132 opened by nnobelis - 3
Inspecting setup.py with string substitution and `extras_require` creates a result without packages and graph
#124 opened by MarcelBochtler - 3
Support inspecting Conda projects
#104 opened by tsteenbe - 17
- 3
Failure parsing dependences of pypi:packer.py
#116 opened by bennati - 2
Problem parsing escape sequence characters.
#118 opened by shricodev - 1
Issues with hard-coded .cache location
#113 opened by JonoYang - 1
- 1
Replace packaging with packvers
#108 opened by pombredanne - 0
Prototype NVDR.
#102 opened by pombredanne - 0
Problem with resolution
#101 opened by pombredanne - 2
Documentation not up to date with 0.9.2 release
#100 opened by heliocastro - 3
- 0
Do not return duplicates binaries
#93 opened by TG1999