
A Symfony project to demonstrate how to configure and use abc/job-bundle Bundle for asynchronous job processing.


If you want to use predefined Docker environment you need to install Docker and docker-compose.

Run docker containers

In order to run docker dev environment run docker-compose up -d There will be several containers created:

  • php - contains your php-fpm and code
  • nginx - contains your web server and vhost config
  • db - contains your database server
  • myadmin - contains phpmyadmin to access database

Run composer

Run composer install to get dependencies docker-compose exec php composer install

Update database schema

To update database schema simply run: docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force After successful run you should see new tables in database.

Run job processing

  • Default job processing docker-compose exec php bin/console abc:job:consume default

  • Stop processing on empty queue docker-compose exec php bin/console abc:job:consume default --stop-when-empty

Test scenario

There is one Demo job defined. To test is you need to perform following steps:

  1. Run job processing docker-compose exec php bin/console abc:job:consume default
  2. Add job to the queue using controller

Check job info

You can check job info using REST API http://localhost:12380/app_dev.php/api/doc#get--api-jobs

Additional info

Perform operations on php machine

In order to perform any operations on php machine run docker-compose exec php bash You can find application code at /var/www/jobdemo


There is MariaDB available and configured for this project

  • You can find PhpMyAdmin at http://localhost:12381/
  • You can find REST API doc at http://localhost:12380/api/doc
Background AbcJobBundle jobs

For background job processing we use AbcJobBundle

  • You can start job processing by running: bin/console abc:job:consume default.
  • In order to get more details about the command run bin/console abc:job:consume --help