What this app is This is a demonstration of an express server running concurrently with a react app. It makes use of the socket.io library for configuring the socket connections between the connected users. The data is not persistent, once the server restarts it all starts fresh again. The functionaloty can be easily added but I don't have the means to host a database at the moment.
If you have never used NodeJS before - If you want run this app on your machine please make sure you have NodeJS installed.
- Once installed, clone this repo by running this on your terminal/cmd
git clone https://github.com/p-hugo/chat-room.git
or just hit download
- You will need to use your terminal and
into the project - Inside the project run:
npm install
this will install the dependencies.
- Then you can go to the next section
Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run:
npm run dev
Starts up the backend server and the react server. This is essentially what you want to run once you have installed the dependencies and want to try out the app.