Before anything make sure GNU Stow is installed along with eza
, zoxide
and i3
sudo pacman -S stow eza zoxide i3 i3lock xss-lock xset flameshot ripgrep
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- Download the font and the move the files to
then runfc-cache
- Download the font and the move the files to
- neovim
- oh-my-zsh
- fnm
- eza
- zoxide
- starship
- yay
zathura zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-poppler
- Gnu Stow
- i3 &
- I patched my own version- see this YouTube video in case you get stuck
Install the dependencies
sudo pacman -S tmux
You will also need the TMUX package manager TPM for short
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
You can start a tmux session now and don't forget to install the tmux packages listed in the configuration file by pressing prefix + I once in tmux.
I like to have a custom folder in my home directory which contains scripts I use regularly.
mkdir $HOME/bin