
A.B.C.D Apache Airflow 2.3.x - Helm EKS Minikube

Primary LanguageShell

Deploying a Production Grade Airflow 2.3.x on AWS-EKS


  • linux
  • kubectl
  • eksctl
  • minikube
  • helm
  • jinja2
  • git
  • awscli



Do remember to clean up the resources to avoid being billed for when not in use.

Following items are a reminder to make sure you delete them.

Delete EKS

- eksctl delete cluster --name airflow

Delete RDS

- Databases

Delete EC2 resources

- Volumes 
- Load Balancers
- Instances
- Security Group

Delete EFS

- File Systems

Delete SystemsManager

- Parameter Store
    - Parameters

Delete ACM

- Certificates

Delete EKS CloudFormation Stack

- Stacks

Delete CodePipeline

- Pipeline

Delete CodeBuild

- Build Project
- Connections

Delete IAM

- Roles
- Policies

Delete VPC